<SNAP Education System|PCTIA compliant Database Management Systems for Educational Instituitions
Phone#: 604-729-8890

Teachers Program/Course Agents Students Accounting Reports
This function shows the records from student information, programs, courses, practicum, teachers, agents, and payments.

Enroll Report
This section filtrates enrolled students by specific period of time, containing the information of student ID, student name, contact phone, original country, and enroll date.

Grade Report
This section records grade information for different students and courses. The score information includes final exam, presentation, and GAP. When clicking “Print”, the page will jump to report card, which shows the course grades in detail with comments. All information can be printed, edited, and deleted in this page. Besides, administrators can use filtrated function to search specific information by student name, course name, or both. Furthermore, administrators can add new course for students.

Attendance Report
This section provides a filtered function for searching student attendance status and lists the detail information of the course instructor, course period, time, and date.

Program Report
This section is a clear overview for program statistics. It lists program ID, program name, number of student in different programs, and percentage of students for different programs.

Student Data Report
This section lists student basic enrollment information, program plan, transcript, letter of acceptance (LOA), and agreement. This section gives administrators an overview of all enrolled students. All the information can be edited and deleted in this page. Besides, there is a filtrated function for searching specific student information by student name.

Monthly Tuition
This section is an overview for all tuition and STCF (student training completion fund) records. Administrators can filtrate specific tuition and STCF by searching specific year and month.

Monthly Tuition Realized
This section records tuition realized dates and amounts. Administrators can filtrate specific transaction by searching specific year and month.

Monthly Expense
This section records school monthly expense including the information of ID, date, expense amount, description, and category. Administrators can filtrate specific expense by searching specific year and month.

Monthly Accounting
This section records school monthly accounting status including the information of ID (year and month), amount of tuition, and amount of expense. Administrators can filtrate specific item by searching specific year.

Monthly Referral
This section records referral information. It lists company and agent name, their ID, and total number (count). Administrators can filtrate specific item by searching specific year and month.

Monthly Agent Commission
This section records monthly agent commission including the information of ID, company name, agent name, and commission.

Student Training
This section lists the information of students’ programs, practicum employer, practicum length, supervisor, position, work hours, and shift. All information can be edited in this page.

Besides, there is a filtered function where administrators can search specific student’s practicum status by student name. Furthermore, new practicum information can be added by clicking “Add Practicum” button.

Tuition Installment
This section is for installment payment which recording tuition ID, amount, description, and enroll date. Administrators can filtrate specific item by searching student name. Furthermore, the page will jump to tuition installment form by clicking “Add Tuition”.
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